renewable energy
Charmont is a developer of renewable energy facilities.
Historically, we have been involved in onshore wind and renewable biomass.Our scope now extends to solar power and hydrogen production. Our 2030 target is to develop 100 hydrogen electrolysis sites integrated with onshore wind and solar power generation. The Group has offices in London (Charmont Investments PLC), Strasbourg-Epinal (Vent d’Est SAS), Luxembourg and Frankfurt (Compagnie du Charmont SA). Its operational territory spans the United Kingdom, France, Benelux, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland and Poland.
Our scope

Wind Power
We develop on-shore projects in France with reputable industrial partners of the likes of ERG and INNERGEX. We invest in the development and operating phases and sometimes work on joint development agreements. Our affiliate Vent d’Est leads these operations relying on 10 experiences professionals
Solar Power
This mature industry offers a few innovations qualifying for a better life cycle of the photovoltaic panels, allowing our affiliate Vent d’Est to develop floating plants on water reserves or on pastures, always allowing traditional cattle grazing. Cie du Charmont leverages the expert information of its experience on the ground to select minority investments in listed or private companies
Hydrogen generation
Cie du Charmont focuses on green hydrogen production on mid-size plants ranging from 4 to 20 MW, with an effort to supply the sites with their own solar, wind or biomass power. Its affiliate MOBHY aims at developing 100 sites across Europe before 2030. Cie du Charmont invests at all stages of the value chain, from listed companies to private projects and companies.
Charmont has
expertise in:
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Which are used to analyse environmental, social, electromagnetic, air traffic and electricity/gas grid connection requirements to create a successful project..
The Group has experience in assessing factors including the environment, grid access, social as well as commercial considerations to produce impact studies. The objective is to achieve full compliance with Government requirements and achieve planning permission in a time and cost efficient manner.
Long lasting industrial partnerships
We develop facilities in partnership with major operators in the industry. These partners include both ERG SpA and INNERGEX. We also invite local communities to participate from a very early stage of the project.
projects are funded using our access to project finance, mezzanine loans, crowd funding and national as well as EU grant schemes. Charmont also invests in other projects and technologies within our sector, either through private placement or through listed equity markets. We have so far invested in more than twenty companies, mostly in Europe.
Technological developments
We closely monitor technological changes in a rapidly developing sector, in part through our association with the Universite de Lorraine research lab LEMTA.
Equipment procurement
The Group pools in-house experience from managing sites, sharing best practice to optimise our purchase specifications.
Market intelligence
We watch markets keenly to identify changes and opportunities. These are noted through contact with Governments, participating in trade shows, following University programmes and tracking information available on both the stock and energy markets.